Red over Red

Red over Red

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another SIB

Here's one I made for my wife, Lisa, for her birthday. It's her and me sailing on the boat I owned when we met, a Newport 27. It is supposed to depict our first sail together. I wasn't sure she would like it - we have a lot of ships in bottles - but she cried when she saw what it was, which is always the reaction you want (as long as it's tears with something like, "Oh, honey, that's so romantic!" as opposed to "Oh! You cheap SOB, what I said I wanted was...").

Anyway, I was very happy with the reaction.


  1. Hmm... I seem to be a little late but they are so beautiful, I had to comment. They have life in them!

  2. Hester,

    Thanks so much! I really enjoy making ships in bottles, there is a magic quality to them. Wish I had more time for it! Some day, when I'm an empty nester...
