...signing a contract for a new book. I (and by "I" I mean, "my agent") just completed a deal with St. Martin's Press for the first of a new maritime historical fiction series. Alert readers will recall that Isaac Biddlecomb, hero of my first series, lo those many years ago, had a son named Jack. Well, Jack is all grown up (or at least he is in the book proposal) and captain of a merchant vessel as the Quasi War with France begins to heat up. This book will follow Jack's adventures as he, like his father, gets drawn into the naval service.
Signing a contract - one of my favorite activities. Cashing big advance checks is another.
Other favorite activities will just have to be imagined, but you probably don't want to go there. |
For those of you with your fingers hovering over the "Buy Now" button on your favorite book web site, be patient. Book will likely have a release date of some time in 2015.
Fin Gall, my novel of Viking Age Ireland continues to chug along nicely, wracking up all sorts of kind comments on Amazon.com.