Red over Red

Red over Red

Monday, April 28, 2014

Dubh-linn - Coming Soon!

The literary world is abuzz!

Dubh-linn, the long-awaited sequel to Fin Gall, should soon be available as a Kindle download or paperback. Dubh-linn (the original Gaelic spelling for the city of Dublin) continues the adventures of Thorgrim Nightwolf, his son Harald, Ornolf the Restless and the rest, along with some new characters I genuinely enjoyed writing. After all the trouble they encountered in Fin Gall, Thorgrim (who only really went a-Viking to please Ornolf, he having done enough of that sort of thing to satisfy himself for a lifetime) is eager to get himself and Harald home to Norway. But when Brigit, heir to the throne of Tara and the object of Harald's passion, comes to them pleading for help in her effort to take the reins of power, the Vikings once again find themselves enmeshed in the bloody struggles for power that the Irish wage against one another.

And, on a completely different note... Frequent visitors to this blog might have noticed (or would have, if there were frequent visitors to this blog) that it has not been updated in a while. Technical difficulties. I don't seem to be able to post pictures anymore, and I hate making blog posts without pictures. Not sure why, I just like posting pictures. So, I'm trying to figure out the problem in my spare time. Which does not exist. Stand by...